
Inlays and Onlays

When more than half of the tooth’s biting surface is damaged a dentist will often use an inlay or onlay. What are inlays and onlays?

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Chỉnh nha mắc cài

We provide Orthodontics (Braces) for adults and children. This service ranges from minor tooth movement (easy corrections) to full upper and lower braces with or

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Orthodontics – Bracing

We provide Orthodontics (Braces) for adults and children. This service ranges from minor tooth movement (easy corrections) to full upper and lower braces with or

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Teeth Whitening

The teeth are microscopically porous. These pores within the enamel (or outerlayer of the tooth) can collect stains over time. Extrinsic stains from coffee, tea,

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Cấy ghép Implants

Dental implants are designed to provide a foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth. The person who has lost teeth

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